AHHH... the patio is done!!
• stone for patio (check!)
• table and chair set complete with a huge umbrella (check!)
• chiminea (check!)
• tiki torches to keep the skeeters away (check!)
• grill (check!)
• an alcoholic beverage garnished with an umbrella in my hand (let's not push it!)
We still have some more work to do... Dan is building me a flower bed as we speak and the sod is getting delivered on Tues but it is getting closer to BBQ ready!! YAY!!
One highlight from the above process:
Matt (the very talented, jack of all trades carpenter/mason) measured the future patio to be 40' x 47' (which was an over estimate, but not by all that much). The day we went to go order the stone, Dan couldn't get in touch with Matt so he over estimated, giving Meier Stone the measurements of 50' x 50'. Well after all is said and done, of the 22 pallets ordered and delivered... we had 13 left over. That's right, 13! What are we going to do with 13 pallets?!?!?!?!?! O and did I mention there are signs all over the store in large bold letters 'NO RETURNS. All SALES ARE FINAL'. O boy! I figured I would give them a call, using my maiden name because my cousin's office is right above them and he has a great working relationship with them. After selling my soul and offering up my first born, he said he would come pick them up and just charge a restocking fee!! THANK GOODNESS!! He thought it was hilarious that we (ah-hem Dan) made this blunder... saying I quote "Ya know, 30 years I have owned this company... and in those 30 years NO ONE has over ordered this much!" haha Leave it to my hubs! The owner is a great guy! We had a few laughs (at Dan's expense) and he came and picked them up, freeing up oodles of space :) Did I mention Dan had to go there today to get some other stone to make my flower bed?? hehehe