Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sneak Peek

I'm still trying to recuperate from Charlie's bday party! It was a ton of work, but so much fun :) Thank God for such a beautiful day! We had a total of 90 peeps! I was too afraid to look at the weather forecast until the day before for obvious reasons!! I asked Dana to snap a few pics of all the details of the day as I knew I would be running around like a wild woman... She has a real eye for all things vintage and since Charlie's part-ay's theme was shabby chic with a touch of vintage, I knew she'd be perfect for the job :) I can't wait to see the pics! Here's one Dana sent to me a message asking if she can put it on her site :) (she recently launched her biz, check her out )

More to come...soon!

1 comment:

  1. she's a doll. her and her bf have matching bottom teeth :)
