I think most people have heard of the saying 'mommy brain', right? Urban dictionary defines it as
Mommy brain: The phenomenon known to mothers where their brains become useless piles of goo after being around their children for too long. I will be the first to admit that I suffer from this condition... in a BAD way! I think it started as pregnancy brain that kindly evolved into the next phase. Well folks, it appears that it is contagious!! Last night I made lasagna for dinner and since Dan is on a diet
this week, he requested that I make it low fat. I substituted half of the ricotta cheese for cottage cheese (surprisingly delish!), used turkey instead of beef and was going to use whole wheat pasta. The itty bitty sorry excuse for a Shoprite by my work didn't have whole wheat noodles so I went with one that was lower on the glycemic index. After making dinner and waiting for Dan to get home at 8:30, both Char and I were starved... As I'm cutting it up for Charlie, Dan is inspecting the box of pasta. The convo went something like this...
Dan: I thought you were going to get whole wheat!?!?!
Me: They didn't have it...
Dan: Well this doesn't look healthy
Me: IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! DON'T EAT IT! (my hunger got the best of me...)
Dan: I'm not saying for me, I mean for Charlie.... Susan! the first ingredient is salmonella!!
Me: (thought to myself) you have got to be kidding me
Dan: Seriously Susan it says it right here!!!
Me: Um, do you mean semolina?
Dan: Yea! That sounds bad!!!
Me: Really? It sounds delicious to me...Have you ever had italian bread?
Yikes! I used to say I hope Charlie gets my 'book smarts' and Dan's 'street smarts'... her future is looking grim these days!
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